The trainer of the Real Madrid, Rafa Benítez, has conceded an interview in which it has spoken on multiple subjects of the white actuality like the plague of lesionados, the relation go in Bleat and Cristiano Ronaldo, the titles, the style of game and some proper names

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In an interview conceded to the radio program 'To the First Touch' of Wave ZERO, Rafa Benítez has answered to multiple controversial questions on the actuality of the Real Madrid and especially on the relation that is supported by some members of the white staff, as Cristiano Ronaldo, Jesé Rodríguez and Sergio Bouquets. "It surprises me the quantity of histories that invent , have a very good changing room, surprised me the competitiveness that have between them, hammer for winning all the partidillos. The relation between them is quite good, a very good environment between the players, relaxed and healthy", has begun the Spanish technician.

"I do not have problems with any footballer of the staff, yesterday threw me a good while speaking with Cristiano. Have a habit that is to happen me to greet them when they are treating and ask him how are. I greet them one by one. I have had changing rooms more complicated that east. Sometimes they have said that I have litigated me with any. All the changing rooms have some that are more or less happy, that have bad day and any can be worse, but there has not been at all exceptional".

Benítez Has subtracted importance also to the 'ultimatum' of the agent of Jesé. "Today it kidded with Jesé. In the Madrid there is more environment futbolero of what the people thinks, but can not control the surroundings. The trainers have to control a group of professionals but no what say the representatives. I speak with the footballers and when it can have a conflict, solves ". Now it says that Cristiano Ronaldo is the best of the world. "Hamsik Was the captain of the Naples, wanted to buy him and said that it did not have price. Always praise to my footballers, the Madrid is the best staff that have had, if you give me to choose there is not colour. Already I have decided that when they ask me if Christian is the best player that have trained, will say that yes and yes".

With Sergio Bouquets neither has any problem. "The one who more has litigated so that Bouquets remained have been I. Have problems zero between us, is the captain and a phenomenon and has to show it permanently, and today already has trained". And already it wanted to fichar to Gareth Bleat when it trained to the Liverpool. "Already in 3 February of the 2006 were to see a Bolton- Southampton to see to Bleat. We yielded to a player to the Southampton, but did not want to us leave to Bleat. Afterwards we try to buy him, we could not. We know of it does time that is a big player".

Benítez Has affirmed also that keeps a big relation with Javier Mascherano. "Recently I spoke with him and the two know that we are rival but this no repercute in the respect and affection that have us. Being in the Liverpool, went me to speak with him and convinced him speaking him of football with the stones of a vase and a centre of table. By then he did not play neither in the reservation of the West Ham, something incredible. I was about to ficharlo for the Naples and for the Inter".

And, finally, also it has subtracted importance to the injuries. "Have a lot of injuries, but by circumstances very clear. That the fans are calm, do a big work of prevention, but play twice by week to a lot of intensity, have a lot of international? They are not so many injuries like which say, to day of today have 9. It is not the same an injury that one overloads".