Bojan Krkic Goes back to the Stoke City, to leave ?
Published:6/07/2017 - 21:23h
Updated:7/07/2017 - 00:53h
To his 26 years, Bojan Krkic is all a veteran in the European leagues, but the ex of the Barça could have not given his last step. After going back to the Stoke City after playing yielded in the Bundesliga, the player wants to have of minutes or will leave
After giving turns by average Europe and turn into one of the few footballers in annotating in the four big leagues of the continent, Bojan Krkic could have not begun his last adventure. It has happened long since it went out of the FC Barcelona, but the one of Linyola follows demanding minutes and will leave if it does not have them in his current team, the Stoke City.
The forward has gone back this Thursday to the discipline of the English group, to put again to the orders of Mark Hughes and begin the pre-season with the 'potters'. "We are delighted that it was back and will see how goes the season. We feel that will have a good campaign with us", has ensured his trainer.
However, the own Bojan does not seem so convinced, and although it has highlighted that it finds comfortable in the team, has not wanted to put dates neither limits of face to a future in which the only that pretends is to play. "I am happy to be here, in a place where seat me really well, for me is well be back here beginning the pre-season", aimed, before warning that "I do not want to look too far in the future, would prefer to speak on the here and now, and today was a good day after five months went".
A lot of beaux
In spite of not having cuajado in any team after abandoning the Barça, Bojan follows conserving a good poster in the European leagues. Several teams of first line have showed interested in his incorporation in the case that the attacker decide to leave of the Premier, and the Girona would be one of the most decided to have his services for his première in First Division.