Rodrigo Hernández in a party with the Athletic of Madrid


The Barça and other five big of Europe, in war by the future of Rodri Hernández

Published:30/05/2019 - 09:04h

Updated:30/05/2019 - 09:04h

It does a time that began to despuntar in the football of elite, but this summer could be key for the career of Rodrigo Hernández. The youngster has an offer of renewal of the Athletic of Madrid, but in addition to the FC Barcelona, there is four big of Europe after his signing

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It bred in the quarry of the Athletic of Madrid and happened to the one of the Villarreal, the club with which finish exploding in First Division. A big year of Rodrigo Hernández in the Stadium of the Ceramic served him to star his first big traspaso and ensure that it went back to which always has been his house, but now the market of signings of the summer 2019 has turned into a key period for his future.

The midfield player has lived another season ilusionante in Wanda Metropolitan, but could change of airs in brief. Diego Simeone thinks that still has way for visiting to be a star consolidated and the club does not consider him one of the intocables of the new project, what has opened him the door because for the moment it is slope of a review of his agreement that increase his clause of rescission, for the time being fixed in some apetecibles 70 million euros.

The 'colchoneros' want to that it remain and have done him an offer, but know that it is very requested and have asked him that his decision no demore, because they do not want to take too much if they need a substitute. The Madrilenian has to choose between a rise of wage and an improvement of the conditions in the Spanish capital -with the risk of a project that wobbles- or a new adventure in another of the big of Europe, because it seems more than clear that beaux of maximum level do not go him to be missing.

The big alternative to the rojiblancos is the Manchester City, that is very near of his incorporation. In the last weeks, the English have advanced in the negotiations and have done him a proposal that convinces him, because it is powerful in the economic and seductive in the sportive, since it would allow him struggle by the titles beside a historical technician like Pep Guardiola that it sees him like the key piece for the centre of the field, the heir that carries time looking for for Fernandinho.

The one who has gone approaching in silence is the Bayern of Munich, that through the sportive director Hasan Salihamidzic and the boss of observers Marco Neppe has colado in the bidding. In the Allianz Sand do not hint on his strategy and could be something left behind in the career, but does some months already gave the hit paying the clause of a mate of Rodri, Lucas Hernández that will play in the Bundesliga.

Recently, it has informed of the entrance in scene of the Real Madrid, that has asked him time to the young to tackle his signing. In full revolution in Santiago Bernabéu, Florentino Pérez and Zinedine Zidane have interested by a complement key for the medullary, in which it could relieve to Casemiro or even allow that this played more advanced. Besides, it is cheaper that N'Golo Kanté, Tanguy Ndombèlé or Paul Pogba.

And as it is usual in this type of situations, the PSG will treat to aim a so much, because in relation quality-price, the international Spanish is one 'bargain' that to the French champion would come him of perlas. Thomas Tuchel has suffered by the drops in a room of machines of which goes to leave Adrien Rabiot, and between his priorities could accept to a footballer that fits perfectly in his plans.

The signing of Rodri by the Barça is complicated, but no impossible

The Barça also sees in Rodri to an ideal relief for Sergio Busquets, in an operation that is difficult but no impossible. The Barcelona have invested 75 million euros in Frenkie of Jong and have to reinforce the left side and the centre of the forward, in addition to closing to a Matthijs of Ligt that also would go out very expensive. In these conditions, the hope to struggle by the athletic pivote is another sale of level, that would open the door to his arrival so much to sportive level like economic. If the Dutch occupied, for example, the place of Ivan Rakitic and concretised the traspaso of the Croatian, there would be bottoms and a gap that would take advantage of the ex of the Villarreal.

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