Wirtz could be unaffordable for Barça until 2024

Published:17/03/2022 - 07:51h

Updated:17/03/2022 - 07:51h

Barcelona has set its sights on Florian Wirtz, the star of Bayern Leverkusen. However, the club has decided to increase its sale price exorbitantly to ensure its stay

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The FC Barcelona continues exploring the market of signings to expand and reinforce his staff for the next years. It is thus that Xavi Hernández has in his diary to several pieces that could cause a direct impact and also guarantee that his sportive project focused in the youth follow his step.

From here the interest of the Catalan group in Florian Wirtz, the star of the Bayern Leverkusen. With 18 years, is one of the most sought-after footballers and with more impact inside the terrain of game. In what it goes of course, has contested 31 parties in all the competitions, in where it saw door in 10 occasions and delivered 14 assistances.

However, the Leverkusen will not facilitate the exit of the attacker until, like minimum, 2024. Like this it has it desvelado 'Sport Bild', those who ensure that the directive of the group germano has taken the decision to price to the midfield player in 150 million euros, more than the double of his current value of market. This with the reason to armour him, since said sum results inasumible for the majority of the teams nowadays.

The Barça sees as well as one of his candidates goes moving away of the panorama. The characteristics of Wirtz adapt to perfection to what looks for Xavi in his players, and his youth turned it into this '10' with speed, vision of game and good strike of balloon. For the moment, it is impossible that the club invest similar quantity of money in a player that, in spite of his enormous talent, finds gravely lesionado.

'KO' By several months

The one of Pullheim has broken the ligament crossed previous of his left leg in a party of Bundesliga in front of the Colony. All sucedió in a crossing with Luca Kilian that did not seem to be so strong, but the 'crack' twisted his knee of unnatural way and had to be withdrawn in stretcher to the nearest hospital. This action left him out of the rest of the commitment and also in the gone of the dieciseisavos of final of Europe League, where his team fell (3-2) in front of the Atalanta.

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