Jacoba Arrasate Supercopa


Red 'cracked'! Arrasate and David García, furious with the refereeing of the Barça-Osasuna match

Published:12/01/2024 - 01:00h

Updated:12/01/2024 - 01:00h

Barça ended up beating Osasuna on Thursday, but the Navarrese side did not hide their dissatisfaction with the result, especially as they felt wronged by the refereeing

Calendar of FC Barcelona

"We feel us prejudiced, because the criterion has been very different during all the party", thought Jacoba Arrasate once finished the FC Barcelona-CA Osasuna of this Thursday by the semifinals of the Supercopa of Spain. Visibly angered with the arbitration of Muñiz Ruiz, the míster rojillo wanted to signal of effusive way that no pitase the fault on Arnáiz previous to the goal of Lewandowski.

"It is very clear, although it was not revisable, that can not to be it; but this does not remove that it keep on being lacking", ensured. "The criterion has been very different and therefore we complain. Some referees leave to play more and others, less. This is normal. But it has not been the case of today: tonight it has been a question that some faults pitaban and others, no. A question of different criterion", analysed also Arrasate.

His analysis on the party has continued mentioning that "we have had our moments, even with 0-0, but need efficiency to win these parties. A penalty. His goal decants the scales, because it forces you to open you and, here, do you the second. Feeling of anger. We have had them", it explained. To the margin of the referee, showed proud of the work of his, although his captain has not doubted in adding to the 'rajada' to the referee of the party.

Arrasate Was not the only of Osasuna in 'disapprove' to the referee

The defence David García also followed the line that the first goal of the Barcelona group did not have to go up to the marker because it was preceded of "a very clear fault" in the start of the played. "We have seen it all. The quantity of faults that pitan like this and in the first part all have pitado in favour of the Barça. It is very evident, clear fault for me. Whenever suceden this type of faults decant for the same. I do not want to be populist, but think that today has been evident", protested after the meeting.

The captain of Osasuna ensured also that his team deserved more. "We have done a first very good part in which practically we have not conceded occasions. Those that have had have been two very clear. In the global computation have deserved more, but has not been able to be", wanted to clear García, the one who spoke few minutes after the party and did not hide his inconformidad with the decisions of the referee.


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