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dia del padre


Luck for the extraordinary draw of the Day of the Father

Published:16/03/2024 - 09:29h

Updated:16/03/2024 - 09:29h

The day of the father is on 19 March and the 23, some days afterwards, celebrates the extraordinary draw of this day, in which the winners will be able to win million euros

Calendar of FC Barcelona

For the majority of the parents the luck is to have some children to which love and of which feel proud. The next 23 March is the day in which Lotteries and Bets of the State presents his extraordinary draw by the Day of the Father, in which it is possible to win a prize of 15.000.000 of euros to the series.

For increasingly families is a tradition buy lottery in these days of celebration. In concrete, in this draw participates of the same way that in any another of which are offered by the national lottery, although the difference of the quantity offered do it enough more attractive for the participants.

They are not few the options that present to buy one of these tenth that allow to opt to the excellent prize that offers in the day of the father. Like general norm, the interested will direct directly to the administration of lottery that more near find of the house, or that that locate in the daily distance that it has to visit to go to the work or to leave to the boys in the school.

However, they earn greater importance to each day that happens the on-line platforms that allow the purchase from the comfort of house. In this sense, fits to recommend Laguinda, since in addition to offering the advantages to buy from any place and moment, presents the only opportunity to access to the whole prize, giving back the proportional part that carries Inland revenue in taxes.

What is Laguinda

Each more popular day, the available application of lottery Laguinda is only in the world. The reason of his singularity is that, purchasing here the tickets of the draws, is possible to carry 100% of the prizes, that is to say, recovering the taxes that the state carries .

This is possible because it is an application where every time that it buys a participation also can hire a safe, with a price of hardly some cents more than ensure the return of the taxes of the prize in the case to result the ticket rewarded.

How it is possible to give the prize entirely

As by all is known, in the Spanish state, whenever a prize of lottery surpass the quantity of the 40.000 euros will apply him a tax impositiva of 20%. This wants to say that, if it wins a draw of Euromillones with a boat of 100.000.000 of euros, the winner only would carry 80.008.000 of euros home, losing near of 20 millions of the complete prize. But, now, thanks to Laguinda, if it hires the safe, so alone by 50 cts. More, the 19.992.000 euros also will include in the prize that receives.

The satisfaction will be total, and although in a principle this was difficult to believe, the reality is that this application already has given back several prizes of Bonoloto and National Lottery. Without going more far, the past 22 December gave back the taxes of The Fat, this meant that for the first time in the history a player carried home the €400.000 whole of this prize.

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