PSG, Dortmund and Roma also go against the Super League
Published:21/12/2023 - 16:29h
Updated:22/12/2023 - 06:15h
The international football has had a news of big impact this Thursday afterwards that the Superliga received a favourable sentence of the Court of Justice of the EU, something that follows causing rejection of some clubs
After clubs like Manchester United and Athletic of Madrid pronounced in relation to the sentence that received the Superliga by part of the Court of Justice of the European Union, other entities 'top' of the European football have wanted to show also his opposition with regard to the project. Paris Saint-Germain, as it expected , has led another 'trio' of big teams that refused the creation of the Superliga from 2026, in spite of the new format informed by the company To22.
In the case of the French team, his president Nasser To the-Khelaïfi has been the spokesman of the posture of the club. "I have seen this many times before: videos, proposals, projects... They say that they want freedom, but do not want freedom. All those that are around the football are proud of the attained. These competitions only benefit them to them. Only there is two or three that believe in the Superliga. Anybody more. All the other estamentos of the football are together. Ours put is to improve what can improve", ensured the employer catarí.
The rejections have continued arriving for the Superliga
Of the side of the Borussia Dortmund, and later of the Rome, also have arrived official communiqués, fixing a posture of rejection, especially in the case of the German team, which seems resignado to the rejection of his fans in the project. The president of the managerial board of the germanos, Hans-Joachim Watzke, ensured that "the Borussia Dortmund will examine in detail the sentence of the TJUE so prompt as have all the reasons of the same", explained.
"However, already we are convinced that the conclusions that can extract of the sentence of the TJCE do not correspond with which circulate at present in the media. No in vain, the TJUE left clear in his press release that the decision does not mean that a competition like the Superliga have to necessarily allow. For the Borussia Dortmund, independently of the discussions on the verdict, applies the following: we are not available for a Superliga", resolved the German group.
The UEFA, very present in the dispatches of the Rome
By his part, the Rome aimed that "after the sentence of today of the Court of European Justice on the case of the Superliga, the ACE Rome reiterates his position with regard to the values and the future of the European football.
The Club does not support in way any any project of the call Superliga, that would represent an unacceptable attack to the importance of the national championships and to the bases of the European football. The ACE Rome thinks that the future and the welfare of the European football only can guarantee with the conjoint work of the clubs through the ECA, in narrow collaboration and association with the UEFA and the FIFA", sustains the Italian entity, very tied to To the-Khelaïfi by his North American owners.