Aleksander Čeferin en un congreso de la UEFA


UEFA speaks out to clarify its position regarding the ruling on the European Super League

Published:27/05/2024 - 21:35h

Updated:29/05/2024 - 05:42h

UEFA did not want to be left behind in expressing its position on the ruling handed down by the Commercial Court number 17 of Madrid, which involves the European Super League

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The sentence of the court of the Mercantile number 17 of Madrid, in relation with the demand interposed by the Superliga European, accusing to the UEFA and to the FIFA to take advantage of his position of command to avoid the free competition in the market when attributing the discretionary faculty to forbid the participation in alternative competitions, has followed generating reactions. In said sentence, the mentioned judicial body established that both organisms have to "cease in the behaviours anticompetitivas sanctioned and forbid them his future reiteration".

Already, for example, LaLiga and Javier Thebes, president of this organism that manages the tournament of Spanish football, left clear his position with regard to this dictamen, emphasizing that the said by the court of the Mercantile number 17 of Madrid "does not endorse to the project of the Superliga" and that this to his time "does not judge the abandoned project of the Superliga". Now, it has been the UEFA the organism commissioned to pronounce on this situation through a communiqué.

The posture of the UEFA in front of this sentence on the Superliga European

The maximum organism that governs the European football remembers that "the jueza has confirmed that exists a system of previous permission for other competitions of third". To his time, the body chaired by Aleksander Čeferin stands out in his statement that "the failure recognises the profits of these norms and that do not affect to the current version of the norms of permission, approved in June of 2022".

In this sense, to the equal that LaLiga and Javier Thebes, the UEFA does special upsetting in that the court "has not given green light neither has approved projects like the Superliga", considered a "abandoned project from does time". To conclude this section, asevera that "the sentence does not award to third the right to develop competitions without permission and does not refer to any future project neither to any version modified of an existent project".

However, the UEFA close his communiqué leaving clear that will take the necessary time for reflexionar on the following step that will take in relation with this sentence. "In any case, the UEFA will take his time to study the sentence before deciding if necessary adopt new measures".

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