The Catalan press follows throwing firewood to the fire about the rumours on a hypothetical course of Leo Messi of the FC Barcelona to the term of the present season. Now, it ensures that "Adidas", sponsor of the "10", could pay him an extra if it decides to leave the club
As it has published the newspaper "Sport", Adidas would see with very good eyes that Leo Messi left the FC Barcelona to put course to a team that is sponsored by the German sportive mark, since the Barcelona club has like one of his main sponsors to Nike whereas the Argentinian star of the team is the main star of Adidas.
In fact, and as it collects the Catalan newspaper, the journalists of "Catalonia Ràdio" Jordi Embroiders and Xavi Fields informed recently that Adidas had carried out a report in which it collected that 70% of the fans think that Leo Messi is the figure mediática of Nike by the relation of said sponsor with the Barça.
In this sense, "Sport" aims that Adidas could pay an extra compensation to Leo Messi in the case that this decided to put course to another team. The Manchester United, for example, could be a favourable destination to the interests of the German mark due to the fact that now it is his main sponsor. In spite of all the speculations, the only reality is that Messi already has denied by active and by passive in the last days his supposed intention to leave the FC Barcelona.
In England do not want to leave him escape
In the British islands seems that they have not assimilated still that Leo Messi will not be traspasado this next summer and will be still in the FC Barcelona. This past Thursday, the newspaper "The Sun" added to the last informations published by means like the "Daily Mirror" and "The Guardian", titling in cover with gigantic letters: "We can get Messi" (can fichar to Messi).
In the last days has cleared that, in spite of the money that can have clubs like the Manchester City, the Manchester United or Chelsea, the rule of the UEFA stipulates that the teams have to close all the economic exercises with a desfase of at most 30 million euros, what would force them to sell to a big quantity of players to pay the 250 million euros of clause of the Argentinian star of the FC Barcelona, in addition to a wage estratosférico that it could command the operation until the 600 million euros, in a quantity already of the all unthinkable.