Stanislav Lobotka Would have been to 'shot' of the FC Barcelona when Xavi Hernández still was in the bench. As it has confessed in the last hours his agent, Branislav Jarusek, produced negotiations so that the player dressed of Barcelona from the next season.

However, with the change of trainer the operation remained entirely in the air. Lobotka Was in the diary of the of Terrassa, but to day of today has not trascended that Hansi Flick think in él. Besides, the economic situation is not clear. To day of today, the agreement does not have paint that it go to produce during this summer.

In concrete, in statements to the Slovakian television 'RTV', Branislav Jarusek has explained that "agree terms with the Barcelona, but there was a change of trainer. The situation is not clear and the Barcelona has some economic problems. It left us astonished. Still it does not treat of a dead end, the situation is evolving. All the world knows what is a player like Lobotka. They know it in Barcelona, Madrid and England". Like this then , there are doubts on what can happen with the footballer of 29 years, although no descarta that, finally, continue in the Naples.

The future of Lobotka, in the air

It will go in at stake the feelings that leave in the Eurocopa, but his agent has indicated that Stanislav "can return to Naples and all will be happy, is the most likely option for him", doing reference to that the Italian group will not put eases so that it leave during this summer and, much less, 'will give. It is an important footballer and surely revalorizará after the end of the tournament veraniego.

Branislav Jarusek Has indicated, in this sense, that "the Naples will not leave to go to one of his best players by a low price and would be a traspaso expensive. There are specific trainers that look for this type of midfield player and still am speaking with some of them". The future of the player is in the air and will not resolve so prompt as they wanted to in the Stadio Diego Armando Maradona.