Gustavo Maia, during a match of the Sao Paulo | Twitter


Gustavo Maia's analysis: This is how the new signing of FC Barcelona plays

Published:14/07/2020 - 19:33h

Updated:15/07/2020 - 02:02h

The Sao Paulo has announced that the FC Barcelona has closed the signing of Gustavo Maia. To continuation, an analysis of the profile of game of this extreme youngster

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The Sao Paulo has communicated to Brazilian media the signing of Gustavo Maia by the FC Barcelona. To his 19 years, the attacker youngster paulista will increase the payroll of young players and with projection of future that the Catalan club wants to keep in the recámara to give the jump to the first team in the future. To continuation, the analysis of a footballer by which from the Camp Nou have paid 4,5 million euros.

The first that has to understand is in which position plays Gustavo Maia. The role in which it feels more comfortable is the one of left extreme, being the classical right-handed footballer to the that likes him throw diagonals. Nevertheless, it treats of a player ambidiestro that also feels comfortable playing by the left band, although even also has arrived to act by the centre of the attack in some parties.

To physical level, treats of one of these players of little height and centre of low gravity, winning a lot of explosividad. Gustavo Maia measures 1,67 metres of height and weighs 59 kilos, something that turns him into a footballer that moves with full agility. It treats of a very fast extreme, with a lot of ease for the change of rhythm and that it can be lethal in the desborde by his start in the first metres.

To technical level, fits to remark what have said in previous sections, that dominates well the strike with any one of the two legs, something that does him much more unpredictable since with his dribblings can go out so much by out as inside. Besides, also it is a footballer that understands to perfection the concept to touch and desmarcarse, by what his style of game is very dynamic.

To level goleador, fits to stand out his smell. Gustavo Maia is one of these players that look for constantly the contrary goal and that has good figures of face to door. In fact, the shot of half distance is another of the attributes by which stands out, being a good gunboat when it finds in the frontal of the area and has option of shot.

Grow physically, his pending subject

As we have commented previously, Gustavo Maia measures 1,67 metres of height and weighs 59 kilos, by what still has to grow to be able to measure to players of elder envergadura. It will be important that when it arrive to Catalan earths, work also the appearance of the musculature to turn into a much more complete and versatile footballer.