Sergi Samper in an action with the first team of the Barça in the Glass of Rey


ANALYSIS: Sergi Samper, a substitute for Sergio Busquets

Published:20/06/2017 - 21:20h

Updated:21/06/2017 - 01:28h

Sergi Samper has in front of himself one of the greater opportunities of his life, triumph in the Barça. For this, will have to show that it can substitute with guarantees to Sergio Busquets, showing with his own qualities that is apt for the team

Calendar of FC Barcelona

To start with, Sergi Samper is not 'the new Sergio Busquets', neither will be it never. In the current football tends to look for copies for the stars, for when they are of drop, or withdraw , or simply are not in shape, but the FC Barcelona would not have to fall in this temptation.

The Barcelonan possesses his own virtues, more or less near to the ones of 'Busi', but no has to him judge by how much seems to the Barcelona pivote, but in case it is able to relieve him with guarantees. And this fact, far of all comment, will have to evaluate it Ernesto Valverde in a pair of weeks of pre-season.

Sergi Samper is the typical product of The Masia, good deal of balloon, vision of game and quality, but perhaps the greater difference with Busquets is his profile, since samper has had usually more tendency to be inner that pivote, and the value of the '5' of the Barça is precisamene have sublimated the know do in this place.

The true examination for the youngster is to know if it will be able to apply the defensive principles in a so demanding group like the FC Barcelona, and in an eleven in which the forward conditions to all the team, something that only a genius to tactical level like Sergio Busquets has attained to develop successfully.

To remain in the staff, Samper will have to show that it is able so much to lead the exit of balloon as to save the backs of his mates, so much to the interiors as to the sides, generally the attendants to head the Barcelona attack.

The opportunity

Although it is fed up complicated triumph in the Barça, the players of The Masia depend on an opportunity that could change them the life. The Catalan turned into a reference in the filial and afterwards did not have luck in a first cession to the Granada, but so much if it goes back to leave as if it finish being one more for Valverde, Sergi Samper has to show that it is ready and qualified to play in the club, copying, this time yes, to Sergio Busquets that with his class and his attitude did not leave place to doubts after his debut.