The career of Ansu Fati still has not attained to establish completely in the elite. After a big irruption in the First Division with the FC Barcelona, the one of Bissau suffered a series of injuries that complicated what seemed to be an unprecedented promotion to the cusp. This has created a constant expectation in the Barcelona club on if some time will be able to recover the level exuberante that expected that it reached and that up to now only has showed sporadically.

The canterano of the club culé, the one who has agreement with the club until 2027, had a season 2023/24 perhaps little brilliant in the Brighton. It expected that it could stand out under the direction of Roberto Of Zerbi and in some attractive surroundings like the combined English, that has numerous young players and a proposal of attractive game. However, only it attained to convert four annotations and give an assistance, with a time of game limited of 1.041 minutes. Besides, also it lost 13 commitments because of injuries and other five by technical decision.

In spite of have not recovered his best level in England, Ansu Fati, the one who from 1 July goes back to be officially a player of the FC Barcelona, seems to be firmly convinced that with the arrival of Hansi Flick like new trainer of the Barcelonan picture and being to 100% of his physical conditions, as it revealed in an interview to 'Sportive World', has full confidence in that it can win a place in the offensive front of the FC Barcelona for the next season. This is especially notable considering that the team wishes to reinforce the position of left extreme, although the options prioritarias in this area are Nico Williams, of the Athletic Club, and Luis Díaz, of the Liverpool.

Ansu Fati Is convinced that it can triumph in the FC Barcelona

In this point, everything indicates that avecina a quite agitated summer regarding the figure of the one who in his moment was the '10' of the Catalan cast. As it revealed recently the journalist Toni Juanmartí, to the forward no goes through him the head another idea that was not to continue dressing the T-shirt of the Barça and convince to the German technician during the pre-season 2024/25, an opportunity that considers that it deserves. Nevertheless, the source also asevera that the priority of the club is to yield it by another season, even has mentioned that so much the Seville FC like the Bayer Leverkusen would be interested in obtaining his loan.

To his time, Juanmartí also mentions that if Ansu Fati insists in remaining in the club and achieves it, would be almost impossible to invest in another forward. Therefore, it will be necessary to see how develops this situation in the future, since it also is possible that during the pre-season the left extreme show to have the necessary conditions to have a new opportunity in the square culé, where still expects his longed for explosion futbolística.