The signing of Antoine Griezmann by the FC Barcelona went probably one of the most thrilling movements and at the same time disappointing that lived the fans culé in the last years. The one of Mâcon arrived to the combined of the City Condal in the summer of 2019 with the status of star, after a successful stage of five campaigns in the Athletic of Madrid, where accumulated a total of 133 annotations and 50 assistances in 257 commitments, in addition to winning the Glass of the World with 'Them Bleus' in 2018. Nevertheless, like footballer of the Barcelonan cast, did not attain to show all his potential and disappointed to big part of the barcelonismo.

In this sense, several factors probably influenced in that the 'Principito' could not deploy his football with comfort in the Catalan picture. One of the most notable was his role in the team, since it could not show his best version playing like left extreme, since his best performance has given like second tip with freedom of movement. In the Barcelona group, this paper was allocated to Leo Messi, what limited the options of 'Grizi' to stand out in the offensive front of the team.

The discomfort of the French forward in the diagram of the FC Barcelona did not go only a speculative perception, but he same confirmed it in his more recent interview, in which it expressed his arrepentimiento for joining to the club culé in 2019 and how this affected his career. "After a season in Barcelona darse that it was an error mudarme there, because it felt that it had hurt him to the fans of the Atleti. Me pitaban and the only that had to do was to remain me quiet and follow working", commented.

The complicated turn of Antoine Griezmann to the Athletic of Madrid

This statement only reinforces the idea that Antoine Griezmann considers that his go through the Barça was made a mistake. His stage like Barcelona lasted only two seasons (2019/20 and 2020/21), in which it contested a total of 102 meetings, annotated 35 targets and gave 17 passes to goal, before returning to the Athletic of Madrid in 2021. His return to the cast 'colchonero' was not easy, since the followers of the club 'rojiblanco' considered it a 'betrayal' for having left to the team in 2019 after accepting the payment of his clause of rescission (120 M€).

However, with the step of the time and after the oficialización of his signing in 2022, the situation has gone improving. To his 33 years of age, the '7' of the French selection has converted again in an idol for the fans of the 'Atleti' and has positioned like one of the most wanted footballers and with greater offensive influence in the diagram of Diego 'the Cholo' Simeone and with which will follow linked, if at all it changes, until 2026.