Arda Guler acto


Arda Güler 'cancels' her holidays to earn a place in Madrid

Published:9/07/2023 - 23:36h

Updated:9/07/2023 - 23:36h

Arda Güler, the brand new signing of Real Madrid, has given up his holidays to be available to Carlo Ancelotti from day one. The Turk had the possibility of taking 10 more days, but he has decided to join the Real Madrid dynamic soon to show his condition and earn a place in the club

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Burn Güler, the recent incorporation of the Real Madrid, has communicated to his club that renounces to the holidays that corresponded him for having finished later his season because of his participation in the League of Nations with Turkey in the parties against Latvia and Wales. Although the players with international commitments could incorporate on 20 July, Güler has decided to be under the orders of Carlo Ancelotti from the first day.

The young player of 18 years, ex of the Fenerbahce, looks for to win a place in the main staff of the club merengue and, according to rumours, the Turkish would be reacio to leave yielded. Such indisposition to be loaned to another square, has done that the midfield player assimilate the sooner possible to the white discipline, like this has all the possible time to show that material futbolístico is forged.

Güler Shows commitment with the cause madridista

The left-handed will be one of the players of the first staff madridista that will begin the sessions of training the Monday in the afternoon in Valdebebas. The morning of this day, will be allocated to the medical recognitions to evaluate the conditions of health of the players.

Güler Already had roughly 20 days on holiday. The last meeting that contested was on 19 June in the Clasificatorio of the Euro 2024 against Wales. In this party the otomanos won 2-0 and Burn happened to the history like the youngest player in marking a goal for the combined Turkish in official competition. Since, his holidays were marked by an environment mediático taut, since a lot of clubs, including the Barcelona, wanted to do with his services.

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