The future of Sergi Roberto seems to be increasingly far of the FC Barcelona. The native of Reus, the one who has had a presence stood out in the club culé during 14 seasons and has contested 363 meetings to date, seemed that it could remain in the Barcelona cast by a period more, given his performance in the present season where has showed to be a timely player in the few occasions in which it has had the opportunity to play.

Nevertheless, the future of the '20' could be giving an unexpected twist after the announcement of Xavi Hernández the past 27 January, in which it left clear his wish to abandon the club the next 30 June. With this, the Catalan midfield player will lose to one of his main valedores, the one who was a key figure in his more recent renewal and expected that also it could it be in the next. It is necessary to stand out that the current technical body of the picture of the City Condal has in a very high esteem to Roberto, the one who at present is the captain of the team and has turned into an example in the club.

The FC Barcelona would not renew the agreement of Sergi Roberto

In front of this stage, as it informs 'Relief', seems that the cycle of the polyvalent player of 32 years in the FC Barcelona is coming to an end, since the Barcelonan square would not have the intention to offer him a renewal of agreement, which culminates the next 30 June. The referred source sustains that until the moment, neither the midfield player neither his surroundings have been informed officially of this decision by part of the sportive direction of the Barcelona institution.

This season, Sergi Roberto has seen reduced his time of game because of unlucky injuries. However, when it has had the opportunity to play, has left his footprint in the field. In 14 commitments, has converted a total of three goals and has given an assistance, exerting an important paper as 'joker' in the team, since it can play so much of right side as in the medullary zone. Equally, has a special role in the changing room like leader and mentor of several young players.

Now it will be necessary to value if, in front of the possible term of the stage of the reusense like player of the FC Barcelona, decides to prolong his career futbolística in Europe, where surely there will be clubs interested in his services. Besides, also it exists the stage that it move to another destination futbolístico like the Major League Soccer (MLS) in United States.