Arthur goes back to the work waiting for fichar by the Barcelona
Published:25/06/2018 - 10:57h
Updated:25/06/2018 - 11:18h
Waiting for that Grémio of Carry Cheerful and FC Barcelona do official the signing of Arthur Melo, the young Brazilian midfield player has gone back to train in Brazil after the 10 days of stop in the Brasileirao with reason of the World-wide of Russia 2018
After having had ten days of rest with reason of the stop of the Brasileirao, that has stagnated his parties momentáneamente by the World-wide of Russia 2019, Arthur Melo already has gone back to train in the last hours with Grémio of Carry Cheerful, and expects that along the day of today, or at least of this week, both clubs announce officially the traspaso.
The FC Barcelona would have arrived already to an agreement with Grémio to incorporate this same summer to Arthur Melo, in return of a quantity valued in 30 million fixed euros more 9 'kilos' more in concept of variables. To his 21 years, therefore, Arthur would be living his last moments with the T-shirt of Grémio, waiting for receiving pertinent instructions of the City Condal.
It will follow training with normality until it announce his signing by the FC Barcelona, and when this suceda will travel until Barcelona to make the consistent signatures of agreement, the presentation and, when it arrive the moment, begin to train already from the beginning of the pre-season 2018 with the rest of his quoted mates.
From Brazil ensure that, in the last hours, Grémio would have tried to start some that another million of euros more to the FC Barcelona by the sale of Arthur, but in the Barcelona group would not be by the work to accept a renegociación of the signing.
In this coyuntura, the initial idea is that Arthur finish landing to the FC Barcelona by the figure pactada. The group culé had until 15 July to do effective the purchase of the footballer, in an operation that the club will compute in the exercise that will open from 1 July, for of this way not distorting the accounts of this last season 2018-19.
Arthur Melo will have to convince to Valverde
Arthur, therefore, already knows that in the next days will have to displace to Barcelona to turn into new player of the Barcelona, a dream done reality by which will have to give it everything from the next season. Has conditions to triumph dress of Barcelona, but will have to take seriously his progression and take advantage of to the maximum each training to convince to Valverde and, little by little, go in in the alignments.