By talent and youth Arthur Melo is allocated to be one of the best midfield players of the world sooner that late. The Brazilian shined in his first months in the FC Barcelona the past season and won all the praises that gave him. Many dared to compare it with Xavi Hernández and saw in him to his natural relief. But the injuries and his own irregularity caused a bajón in the second half of the past course that has arrived until today.

The ex of Guild follows having the same quality and the same potential to be of the best, but has won the fame to be a footballer of glass. This campaign has lost 12 parties by injury and in other so many has played with annoyances that have prevented him surrender to his maximum level. All this carried to the Barça to pose the possibility to undo of him this summer. It was here when it arose the option to command it to the Juventus of Turín by Miralem Pjanic and money.

But Arthur always has denied that it go to go out of the group barcelonista and has pronounced several times to leave it clear. In spite of everything, in the 'Vecchia Signora' have not lost the faith in convincing him and would have done a last attempt as it aims 'Sky Sport Italy'. The bianconeros would have called once again to his door with the end to convince him offering him a wage quite higher of the that wins right now in the Camp Nou.

This proposal rondaría the five million annual euros, almost two more than which is embolsando in the Barça. As it commented , the basic wage of the of Goiana is of little more than 3, by what would be an offer more than generous. In spite of this, the answer of the mediocampista would have gone back to be negative. The player does not want to leave of the team blaugrana and will refuse any ofrecimiento that arrive him from Turín.

The painful defeat of the Juve in the Coppa Italian against the Naples has left to the turineses very touched, especially to Maurizio Sarri, his trainer. If the technician does not win the Series To, will be sacked with total security. But whatever happens with him, in the 'Vecchia Signora' consider necessary fichar a half with talent and with vision of game that can take out the ball played and combine with the ones of up. Paulo Dybala and Cristiano Ronaldo need jets and the culé fits in this profile to perfection.

Arthur is not explaining too much for Setién

The international 'canarinho' dreams with remaining a lot of years in the Barça and turn into this big midfield player that aims to be. The problem is that right now it is not neither the first, neither the second, neither the third and sometimes not even the fourth option of Quique Setién for the centre of the field. Sergio Busquets and Frenkie of Jong are indisputable and this third square contest it the Brazilian, Ivan Rakitic and Arturo Vidal. After the stop, so much the Croat like the Chilean seem to be by in front of him. Who know what will occur in the nine days that subtract and how will react Arthur if it keeps on being acting usually.