Takefusa Kubo in a party of the Tokyo FC


Bad news with Takefusa Kubo: Practically descartado by the Barça

Published:3/06/2019 - 00:28h

Updated:3/06/2019 - 00:28h

After leaving does some years forced by a sanction of the FIFA, 2019 had opened the door to the return of Takefusa Kubo to the FC Barcelona, with a signing that now has complicated a lot. His new agents have shot his requirements and his arrival is almost descartada

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The FC Barcelona has pending duties in the market of signings of the summer 2019, but hit with the planning does not go to be at all easy. Several negotiations that the Catalans had advanced have complicated with the step of the months, what has forced to modify the strategy so much in the first team as in the inferior categories. In the filial, an arrival that was encarrilada could finish turned into an unpleasant descarte.

It does not do too much that it announced that to the City Condal could return a perla of the Masia, forced to emigrate does some years by the sanction of the FIFA, that supposed a blockade to the incorporations but also for some promises, to which prevented dress the elastic Barcelona in official parties. Takefusa Kubo saw complicated in this situation, although it followed empeñado in his return.

The Japanese went back to his country and began to progress, while it kept the contact with some members of the entity barcelonista and thought in his dream to triumph in the Camp Nou. In more than an occasion visited the installations of the club and exercised beside his ex mates, what opened the door to a draft agreement with the Tokyo FC for his contracting, that had to do official from 4 June, the day in which it will fulfil the majority of age.

In these conversations put of his part the representative Arturo Channels, that also works with Gerard Hammered, Ivan Rakitic or Samuel Umtiti and worked beside the crack from the World-wide Sub17 of 2017. But now, they advise him Roberto Tsukuda, important representative in the Asian market and Manel Ferrer, that exerts of collaborator of the Japanese in españa. 

The entrance in scene of his new agents has complicated his signing, until the point to leave it practically descartado. As 'Sportive World', the Barça reacted when it knew of the meetings with the Real Madrid or the PSG, but the subject has gone aggravating since. In one of his four meetings with the representatives of Take, demanded a wage of star (of player of First Division) and a clause that ensured a place in the first team, a condition that the culés does time that do not accept.

The summer will suppose an examination for the Barça in inferior categories

In spite of that values his potential, the Barça is not had to yield to requirements that considers desorbitadas, and will have an examination in the window estival 2019, obviously with the planning of the first team, but also with the one of the inferior categories. This year it is necessary to take important decisions with footballers like Riqui Puig, Juan Miranda, Abel Ruiz, Oriol Busquets and many more, that are calling to the door of the football of elite but need to consolidate to go up this last stair.