Roberto of Zerbi is one of the trainers more 'contributed' in Europe of face to the season that comes. It carries some years consolidating as one of the more innovative and promising technicians, by what is question of time that of the 'jump' to a big team. Has agreement with the Brighton until 2026 and a clause of exit that round between the ten and fifteen million euros. If it does not renew, they will be varied the clubs that will try to do with his services this summer.

The FC Barcelona, particularly, sees him like an option for the bench in case that Xavi Hernández leave on 30 June. In the club have parked the negotiations with the candidates that are in the list because they pretend that the egarense follow on a long-term basis —and are working to convince it, as it confessed Rafa Yuste—, but the option of Of Zerbi keeps in the diary. They are conscious that it would be a 'signing' complicated, by the price of his clause and the competition that there is in the market.

The reveladora confession of Of Zerbi on his future

In the last days, in fact, informed that, in case to abandon the Brighton, the Italian technician would opt by the option to train to a team of the Premier League, although it has kept conversations with the Bayern of Munich and in the Brighton expect that it extend his stay in the club with an improvement of the contractual conditions. The 'seagulls' want to renew him, increase his wage and 'tie him' with a clause of exit more elevated of which has at present.

Of Zerbi, for now, is not slope to define his future. In the previous of the crash between Liverpool and Brighton, was questioned in this regard and left in the air his continuity in the club. "Renew my agreement with the Brighton? By the moment no", confessed the trainer, clearing that "I need to speak with Tony Bloom (owner of the club) on the plan of the club to be able to decide my future, want to know which is the project. I want to keep my ambition. If I am not motivated, will not follow. My relation with the club, the fans, the players here in Brighton can not change in function of my future. What did is history, anybody can forget it".

The possible destinations of Roberto of Zerbi

In case that it decide to put an end to his stage in the Brighton, where arrived in 2022 to relieve to Graham Potter, to the ex of the Sassuolo will not be missing him offers to give continuity to his stage in the elite. In addition to the option of the FC Barcelona, that surely will be in force if it leaves Xavi, there are several clubs that will be after his track. The cases of the Liverpool and of the Bayern of Munich are the most known, but more teams of the Premier League, like the Manchester United or Chelsea, will be very pending of his situation.