The limitations that presents at present the FC Barcelona to be able to add new players to his sportive project carries to evaluate alternatives in the market. Between them it appears the bet by the youth, that also forms part of the philosophy of the club and of the training under a diagram of clear-cut game. In such sense, from the City Condal follow very attentive the case of Elías Romero, the one who milita at present in the UD The Palms.

In what it goes of season, the attacker already accumulates 14 goals in his 21 presentations, showing as a versatile footballer in the offensive demarcations. Usually, it feels more comfortable when it does of '9', but also can manage by the right band, a profile that could be of the like of Xavi Hernández, whose game characterises for exploding to the maximum the spaces on the field to the moment to attack.

The Barça follows him closely

In accordance with the newspaper 'Sport', this good performance showed along the campaign has carried to the directive of the Barça to loan attention to his case and to advance the first management to add him to his rows. It would subtract for knowing which would be the terms in which would carry out this operation, that could emulate the case of Pedri González, the one who dressed the pertinent Barcelona T-shirt of the same club.

The leading youngster has desvelado that it likes him take advantage of each space of the field to exert his game, in addition to taking advantage of his speed to win them the back to the rival defenders. For the moment, it remains focused in the season and wants to follow giving his contribution to the team with his goals, conscious that these could cost him the interest of some team 'top' that wish to do with his index card.

In case of finally land in the City Condal, is very likely that the goleador add first to the project that heads Rafa Márquez in the Barça Atlètic. Romero is not the only attacker youngster to the that is attentive the managerial culé. On the table also is the name of Vitor Roque, whose price has elevated considerably. The intention of the club is to find to a forward of reference like eventual spare for Robert Lewandowski.