This Sunday, almost in simultaneous with the FC Barcelona-Granada, in Portugal have revealed an interview to the Barcelona sportive director, Deco, and in her the exfutbolista culé has taken advantage of to leave his assessment on one of the so many names that seemed to be an option for the bench of the club of face to the following season. It treats of Rúben Amorim, as we already explain in FCBN, although Deco has tried to resolve quickly the situation on the míster of the Sporting CP.

The name of the young trainer arose in the closing of the past week, and although the director of the Barça has wanted to leave clear that "for now, all the hypotheses are on the table", also signalled in this regard: "But which Portuguese trainer? How many are prepared to do charge of the Barcelona, of his weight and responsibility? Besides, this Barcelona, with all the difficulties that comports", signalled.

The Barça looks for a trainer something more experienced

Finally, Deco has puntualizado that "Ruben Amorim is doing a good work in the Sporting and that plays a similar style to the of the Barcelona, but think that has very little experience", sentenced. Like this, the sportive director of the Barça seemed to leave clear that yes that they could consider to Amorim by his profile, but would have very complicated can assume the charge in front of his fault of contrast to the highest level.

After the exit of these words of Deco, the Portuguese technician has had time to be able to react and in fact took advantage of the back press conference to the victory of the Sporting in front of the Knickers to send an answer. "It is a fact. Only I want to have experience to be trainer of the Sporting. While mine do not remember that I am inexperto and only have four years, that is my aim, go back to win titles with the Sporting because it has happened a time and that is the only approach that have", signalled the technician.

The 'serial' on the new trainer seems that it will extend

By the moment the directive of the Barça, led by Joan Laporta, does not seem to have so clear the moment in which it will close the contracting of the new trainer, although yes that tries to diminish the list all the possible. To the margin this, Hansi Flick follows luciendo like the maximum candidate, although they have not existed greater novelties in the last days on some approach by part of the Barça.