Luis Guilherme del Palmeiras


Barça withdraws from the race for Luis Guilherme

Published:11/10/2023 - 00:14h

Updated:11/10/2023 - 00:15h

FC Barcelona, ​​which at some point had the Palmeiras youth midfielder, Luis Guillherme, on its agenda, has decided not to go ahead with his incorporation because Barcelona does not agree with the conditions that must be met to sign him

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The FC Barcelona already has showed his capacity for fichar to young promises of Brazil, as it did it in the last market estival when purchasing to Vitor Roque of the Athletico Paranaense, the one who expects that recale in the City Condal in the winter of the 2024. Also they have interest in other talentosos Brazilian players, like the midfield player Gabriel Moscardo (18) of the Corinthians and the leading William Estevao (16) of the Palmeiras.

In the middle of this tendency of young native players of Brazil that outline like stars in Europe, has arisen the name of Luis Guilherme, a midfield player of 17 years that plays in the 'Verdãor' and has hoarded the focuses in the Old Continent. Groups like the Manchester United and the Real Madrid have showed interest in him, but the Barça does not appear between the beaux.

The Barça does not want to go in in the bidding by Guilherme

As it informed 'Sportive World', the Barcelona cast has evaluated to the player in the past and has reports detailed on him, but is not had to go in in a bidding desorbitada by the midfield player. This has to , partly, to that in his recent renewal with the Palmeiras, his clause of rescission fixed in 60 million euros, a figure that the FC Barcelona is not in position to pay.

Luis Guilherme already has had a regular participation in the 'Verdãor', debuting in the season 2022/2023 and facing a total of 538 minutes. Besides, it has represented to Brazil in the category Sub-17 in four apparitions and has converted a total of two annotations. His performance has carried to a fast increase in his value of market, that at present estimates in 7 million euros according to Transfermarkt.

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