From the offices of the FC Barcelona work incesantemente in research of reinforcements that add quality to the staff. However, no all are names 'big', and from the breast of the Barcelona entity also are in research of young promises of the sport that ensure the future of the club. Under this politics, the Catalans did with Pedri, Ronald Araújo and Pablo Tower, and now tried to do with one of the 'jewels' of the Spanish football, as it is Sergi Altimira.

The ex footballer of the Farm has been in the diary of futuribles of the club from does long like possible incorporation for the Barça Atlètic. The player formed in the inferior categories of the entity blaugrana and from the past summer forms part of the rows of the first team of the Sabadell, in where it continues his evolution futbolística. Altimira Completed a very good season in the group directed by Pedro Munitis, what woke up the interest of teams like the Andorra and the Villarreal for his subsidiary, in addition to the culés.

Like this then , from the dispatches of the Spotify Camp Nou put in contact with the 'arlequinados' during the last day of the market of signings to try do with the services of the midfield player and apuntalar the team of Rafa Márquez, as it has informed the journalist Josep Capdevila. However, the Catalans found with the refusal of the Sabadell, those who consider him indispensable and remitted to his clause of rescission, which round the 350 one thousand euros,

It remains free in 2023

In spite of this, from the City Condal could go back to launch to by the 'perla' of 21 years during the summer of 2023, when the agreement that keeps him linked to the Sabadell expire definitively. Nevertheless, it is likely that the culés find with competition to the hour of 'bid' by the mediocampista, since the Andorra of Gerard Hammered is more than interested in his index card. It will remain for seeing as they manage the facts.