The FC Barcelona had in the recámara to Iván Fresneda like alternative to reinforce his right side, from this summer. His profile is very very valued by the definite area and was one of the most economic alternatives of the market of signings, but the imminent arrival of Joao Cancel in quality of loan, pertinent of the Manchester City, has left to the player of the Valladolid practically descartado of the plans of the blaugrana.

It does so only some hours jumped the news that the footballer pretended to expect only until the Monday to see if the Barça, finally, went to move index card by him this summer. It does not want to remain in José Zorrilla this year and expects to resolve his future during the next week, especially in front of the increasing interest that has received from the Premier League. It knows that it can choose his destination, although his priority always has been to play in the City Condal.

I cancel 'descarta' to Fresneda

The true is that, in spite of the informations that suggested that the Barça had the intention of fichar to Fresneda to yield it by a season, with the more than possible incorporation of Joao Cancel the Barcelona would have descartado, almost definitively, the option of the Madrilenian this summer, as 'SPORT'. From the club understand that it would be difficult to assume the two operations at the same time.

It does not be necessary to overlook that, before, they had put on the table an offer of eight million fixed euros to do with the services of the player of 18 years. However, since it presented the real possibility of the cession of Cancel, the operation parked . Now, it results very complicated that it can concretise because already there will be a 'outlay' important with the operation of the Portuguese.

The agreement with Cancel, more near

With the option of Fresneda more descartada that never, the Barça will concentrate in closing the cession of Cancel during next week. There are constant conversations with the Manchester City and is question of time so that they resolve the fringes of the operation. The landing of the luso will be through a simple cession with an option of purchase that would be compulsory in case that it contest 70% of the parties, as well as the classification to the eighth of the Champions League. Rondará The 30-35 million euros.