Burn Güler has turned into the player that all the clubs in Europe want. In spite of his short age, has showed a level superlative in the Fenerbahçe that carried him to finish the season with six goals and seven assistances in 35 parties contested. The FC Barcelona is very attentive to his situation, but is not the only team. They are varied those that are had to begin a war by one of the players sub-21 more talentosos of the actuality.

His skill to the hour to dribble, electricity, disequilibrium and versatility has caused that in his country, Turkey, recognise it like the 'new Messi'. It is in full development, but has showed to have wood of crack and already is giving a lot of what speak, especially by his contractual situation. This summer could abandon the Fenerbahçe at a rate of 17.5 million euros, figure that establishes his clause... But it is not the only that it is necessary to take in account.

The commission 'scares teams' of Burn Güler

According to an informaación of the journalist Matteo Moretto, one of the big specialist of the market of signings, in addition to the clause that has with the Turkish team, his surroundings is requesting a commission by his traspaso (premium of signing) that it could rondar the 20 'kilos'. This will cause that it reduce considerably the list of candidates to do with his incorporation, because the operation would finish elevating until the 37,5 million euros apróximadamente.

It is a footballer that, without place to doubts, costs his price. It is not 'casualidad' that so many teams are after his track. So much the AC Milan like the Newcastle already have established contacts with the surroundings delfutbolista, whereas from the City Condal see him like one of the players that more can mark the difference, although for the moment they are not in the economic capacity to do a 'madness' by his incorporation.

Burn Güler, in the list of Deco

The footballer is between the names of the sportive direction like possible reinforcement for the season 2023-2024. In fact, Deco has included it in his list of three players that has asked yes or yes for this summer, but any movement will remain pendiende of the solutions that find the club for an operción exit that, for now, is totally arrested person. While they do not produce sales, will be impossible that arrive reinforcements. And this know it very well in the dispatches of the Barcelona entity.