The right side of the FC Barcelona is one of the big topics of conversation in these last weeks. The intention of the blaugrana is that, during the summer of 2024, resolve definitively the subject of the reinforcements for the position. It is necessary to take in account that, for now, Joao Cancel is the only player 'pure' to play by the band, but there is not security that it can remain further of 30 June of the next year.

It is worth it to remember that the international with Portugal recaló this summer in the City Condal through a simple loan. The culés did not ensure an option of purchase, reason by which when it finish the season will see in the obligation to go back to negotiate with the Manchester City and will have to pose a price of traspaso. Knowingly that from the Etihad Stadium do not give to his players, can be a very complicated operation.

And if it does not remain I Cancel in the Barça?

However, also it exists the possibility that they can not concretise the stay of Joao Cancel further of 30 June and are posing the different alternative that would find in the market. In the last hours has informed that are very pending of the evolution of Héctor Fort in the filial like alternative to reinforce the band, but also want to a reference for the position.

According to an information of the newspaper SPORT, keep very attentive to the situation of Juan Foyth, of the Villarreal, the one who has been in the diary of the culés from does a long time because Xavi Hernández always has been interested in his profile. In fact, in 2022 they were very near of ficharle, but the injury that suffered left the operation in at all. This summer, before it arrived Cancel, also evaluated his signing, but the yellow submarine did not want to sell it and was economically inaccessible.

The real options of the Barça

The true is that, in any case, concretise the permanence of Cancel would be much more economic. And it is that the operation would be valued in the 25 or 30 million euros, whereas do with the services of Foyth could rondar the 60 'kilos', as it already happened during this summer. It is a really complicated option because from The Ceramics are not by the work to give to one of his players more talentosos that, definitely, can follow surrendering the maximum level.