Neymar Jr, celebrating the victory against the Liverpool in Champions


BOMB: The Barça leaves opened the door to the return of Neymar!

Published:29/11/2018 - 14:05h

Updated:29/11/2018 - 14:05h

The director of institutional relations of the FC Barcelona, Guillermo Love, was asked this Wednesday by the possible return of Neymar Jr, and did not want to close the door. The Barcelona feeds the rumours that speak on the turn of the Brazilian

Calendar of FC Barcelona

They follow and they follow the rumours on the possible return of Neymar Jr to the FC Barcelona, and from the Catalan entity seems that there is not interest in acallarlos. If Pep Safe already left opened the door does some weeks to the future return of the Brazilian, now has been the director of institutional relations of the club, Guillermo Love, conscious of the tremenda quality of 'Ney'.

It treats of one of the best players of the world that, as such, never would have to have abandoned the FC Barcelona. But it wanted to leave by own will, and the things would not be him going as it expected in Paris Saint-Germain, an also winning team but without the chemistry of changing room that has the Barça, with players like Leo Messi, Luis Suárez or Gerard Hammered.

Neymar Jr Felt as home in the Barcelona changing room, and if it did the cases was by the curiosity to want to test something new, but no because had any type of problem in the Camp Nou. The disputes of egos that has had in the PSG with Cavani never had them in a Barça where with Suárez and Messi, more than competitiveness, breathed always friendship.

If Neymar Jr attained to arrive to an agreement with Nasser To the-Khelaifi for his exit of the PSG, by a similar value to the that paid does two summers the Parisian picture to the FC Barcelona, possibly the group culé would opt by repescarle again to reinforce the staff with a stellar attacker, with some problems of attitude because of his 'hot blood', but that deportivamente always fulfils with the expectations.

The FC Barcelona no descarta to Neymar

Guillermo Love was asked this Wednesday by the journalist Ricardo Rosety on the possible turn of Neymar, in some statements conceded to 'Movistar League of Champions' and previous to the PSV-Barcelona. No explayó too Love, as it is used to to be usual with this type of questions, but yes left a sentence that can understand like an open window.

"All can happen", said. So that Neymar Jr could go back to dress the T-shirt of the FC Barcelona, this yes, no only would suffice with that Paris Saint-Germain left him go out and that the FC Barcelona accepted ficharle again by a brutality of money.

The player would have to withdraw also the demand that has presented against the club, and besides would have to manifest publicly in favour of his exit, to exert pressure to the directive of the PSG in the case of not attaining pactar with To the-Khelaifi. Some conditionings complicated to day of today, but that no descarta that they can fulfil in summer of 2019. Until then, maximum intrigue.