PUMP! BarçaTV+ Announced the presentations of Agüero and García before that the signings
Published:31/05/2021 - 17:00h
Updated:31/05/2021 - 17:00h
Until the moment, did not have official fact the arrivals of Sergio Agüero and Eric García, but BarçaTV+ already programmed both acts
Them coló! The website of BarçaTV+ already programmed the presentation of Sergio the Kun Agüero before the own FC Barcelona did it official. It was here when it discovered the signing of the Argentinian forward by the Barcelona club, and the hour of said act in which it will see to the 'Kun' dressed with the T-shirt of the Barça. It will be to the 18.15 of the afternoon. The same sucedió afterwards with the one of Eric García, programmed for the 17.00 hours of the Tuesday.
The image of the programming pautada by BarçaTV+ began to do viral through the social networks from the 15.30 hours of the afternoon, when the Barcelona club still there was not official fact the incorporation of Agüero, ex player of the Manchester City and that arrives to Barcelona with the letter of freedom after finalising his agreement with the citizen picture.
Finally it announced publicly what from does several weeks came especulando: the arrival of the 'Kun' to the Barça. To cost zero after the fulfillment of his agreement with the City, and treating to seal the permanence of Lionel Messi in the team, his fellow near and compatriot, what represented a significant plus to consolidate his incorporation.
Signing of luxury
Sergio Agüero represents a legend in the history of the Manchester City. Goleador Historical of the institution that already fulfilled his cycle while it sees how new forwards have answered to the requirements of the team, carrying them to the highest of the elite futbolística European after starring the final of the Champions League this Saturday in front of Chelsea, in which it fell by the minimum (0-1) in Port wine.
Between tears, Agüero sacked with a flavour agridulce by all what harvested in the team, but in which it could not fulfil his promise, to win the first Champions for the citizen institution. Now, with anxieties of redemption and to attain what could not in Manchester, will arrive to the FC Barcelona to harvest what so much longed for, a Champions League.