The market is beginning to put end to his 'serials' and everything aims to that the 'Case Kane' is very near to resolve . And it is that a new information of David Ornstein ensures that the Bayern Munich would have reached a principle in accordance with the Tottenham Hotspur for fichar to the English forward Harry Kane.

The Bayern 'rasca the pocket' by Harry Kane

The Bavarians have several months after the steps of the player but had not put on the table a truly tempting figure to convince to the 'spurs'. However, week after week were elevating his offer until reaching a mount that it fits inside the pretences of the group londinense.

The journalist of the British newspaper 'The Athletic' affirms that the German proposal oscillates the 100 million more variable euros by aims and sportive performance, what will leave a big 'rédito' economic in the arks of the club to achieve him a relief of guarantees in the three remaining weeks of the market.

Kane will have the 'frying pan by the mango'

Now all resume to the decision of the own attacker, the one who in past occasions left clear that wanted a change of airs. The negotiations between both clubs have finished and will be Kane the one who will have the frying pan by the mango in the next days taking into account that the Premier League will begin this week and the Sunday will have to visit to the Brentford.

For the Bayern the time is lower because this Friday will contest his first commitment of Bundesliga to domicile in front of the Werder Bremen. They will be crucial hours for the decision of the English artilleryman but everything aims to that will finish giving the seen well once agree all the parameters of his new agreement with the Teutonics. End of the 'novel'.