Camavinga Moves in the market with a price to the drop
Published:7/07/2021 - 03:42h
Updated:7/07/2021 - 03:42h
The Real Madrid could treat the signing of Camavinga after the bajón that had his price by his recent performance and the world-wide pandemia
Eduardo Camavinga is one of the stars of the future and surely will give of what speak with the step of the time, whenever his projection do not see mermada as up to now it seems, afterwards to having debuted with the selection of France and also in Champions League with his club, the Rennes.
The past summer could go out of the French club after the interest of the Real Madrid, that explained in his diary with the name of the young footballer and also the interest of Zidane like key point. Without Zinedine in the bench, the possibility seems to have banished and the player had a bajón important in his game.
After being one of the pillars of the team the past campaign, this year saw more than discreet, with a performance in Champions correct and little more, what did that his cost went down of considerable way. At the same time, the pandemia also left big consequences in the sportive market, everything against of the club.
In front of the situation, the Manchester United wants to take advantage of and already did an offer of 25 million euros according to distinct English means, very distant to the 70 millions that wants to achieve the Rennes by the traspaso of his star, that did not want to sell by much more does grieve a year to the Real Madrid.
The price seems accessible for a player of his calibrate and talent, that loses of sight according to the showed up to now in spite of the regulate of the last campaign. The possibility of ficharlo does latent in the capital and could be the player that give him oxygen to Casemiro, bastion irremplazable of the midfield merengue.
Formula Mbappé
While all moves around his possible exit, Camavinga has clear that will not renew with the Rennes and is possible that the player emulate to his compatriot Mbappé, that follows without extending his bond with the PSG. Both would remain free at the end of the next season and could arrive free to the Real Madrid.