Harry Kane, celebrating a goal


Catalunya Ràdio: Tottenham puts a price on Harry Kane

Published:21/01/2020 - 16:50h

Updated:21/01/2020 - 16:50h

Harry Kane is one of the players who has been considered the best strikers on the planet for years. In the future, Tottenham would be willing to sell you

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Already it does several months that the FC Barcelona has planned to reinforce the forward with a footballer of guarantees. Luis Suárez fulfils the 33 years this same week and in the club culé consider that this 2020 has to bet by fichar to a young footballer and contrasted that it can complement to the Uruguayan in a principle and relieve him in the future.

The injury of the '9' Barcelona, that will keep him out of the terrains of game during the next four months, has accelerated the operation and the Barça is posing fichar already same to this forward so that it can help also to the team of Quique Setién in what it subtracts of season. Nevertheless, the decision is firm and no ficharán medianías: the experience with Kevin-Prince Boateng was too negative.

In the middle of all the rumorología generated after the summit of this Monday between the technical body headed pro Setién and the sportive direction, Catalonia Ràdio has desvelado some informations that could mark the differences for the Barcelona club. According to the Catalan media, the Tottenham Hotspur would have opened the doors to the traspaso of Harry Kane, that up to now seemed a chimaera.

In fact, the group londinense even would have put price to his forward crashes: 160 million euros. Of course, we are speaking of a very big quantity and inasumible for the FC Barcelona during this wintry period, more by a player lesionado. However, of face to the next summer, the thing would change, since the Barcelona club would have of more money to spend.

The main reason by which the Tottenham would sell would be his economic needs after the construction of the new stadium. In the Barça, Kane always has been a footballer very to take into account and, in spite of that it is not the priority, if it puts to shot would study his possible incorporation.

Fit him in the Barça

Harry Kane, to his 26 years, is in the plenitud of his career and would be one of the players​ that would ensure a lot of goals. The ariete English is able to create the played he only by his big opportunism and would joint in Barcelona no only with Leo Messi, but also with players like Antoine Griezmann or Ousmane Dembélé in the forward.

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