Marc Vidal in a match with Barça Atlètic


Celta de Vigo leaves FC Barcelona without one of the reserve team's goalkeepers

Published:9/07/2024 - 17:18h

Updated:9/07/2024 - 17:18h

Celta de Vigo recently made official the signing of Marc Vidal, who served as Barça Atlètic's goalkeeper in the 2023/24 season. With this addition, the culé team must now determine who will be their starting goalkeeper for the 2024/25 season

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The Barça Atlètic will have a new guardian of the goal for the season 2024/25. Marc Vidal, the one who went the guardameta of the Barcelona cast during the campaign 2023/24 after arriving yielded of the FC Andorra, has confirmed his signing by the Celtic of Vigo. It has rubricado an agreement of four years with the combined Galician (2028) and, by the moment, will integrate to the Celtic Fortuna, the filial vigués directed by Fredi Álvarez. Besides, it will participate like third cancerbero in the maximum category of the group 'celestial'.

The native of Villarreal, recognised no only by his cut across, but also by his skill with the balloon in the feet, defended the elastic of the Catalan picture in 25 occasions, receiving a total of 30 annotations and attaining keep his goal in zero in two opportunities. Once finished his adventure like culé, had to return to the FC Andorra, where remained him a year of agreement, but the Andorran picture did not put any obstacle so that it joined to the Celtic of Vigo in condition of free player.

Marc Vidal already luce the colours of the Celtic of Vigo

Now, once announced his incorporation to the group vigués, the Celtic described it like this: "Quality and reliability under the three sticks, qualities that now will contribute to the Celtic Fortune. Benvido, Marc!". By his part, the guardameta villarrealense also expressed his joy in the social networks by the concretion of this transfer. In his profile of 'X' (@marcvidal25), where already luce the colours of the team 'celestial', wrote: "Very happy to arrive to this big club. With a lot of illusion and win to begin. We see us prompt celtistas, Celtic Wing!".

With this confirms that the Barça Atlètic will need another goalkeeper for the next season. It is likely that Ander Astralaga occupy definitively this place like titling, and when it can not exert his functions when being in the first team like third goalkeeper, the charge could be occupied by Diego Kochen. Also it stirs the option of Áron Yaakobishvili to reinforce the position in the sportive project of Rafa Márquez.


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