Cesc Fàbregas v PSG


Cesc Fàbregas will play in Italy next season

Published:25/07/2022 - 13:42h

Updated:25/07/2022 - 13:42h

After having some proposals to continue his career, Cesc Fàbregas has reached an agreement with Como Calcio to join the team for the next two seasons. The proposal of the Italians has been superior to that of Las Palmas according to the president of the Canarian team

Calendar of FC Barcelona

To his 35 years of age, the ex player of teams like the FC Barcelona, Arsenal, Chelsea or Monaco, Cesc Fàbregas, keeps alive his wish to continue playing. After closing his cycle in the French football, the midfield player has reached an agreement that will extend by two seasons with a team of the second Italian division and could add to his staff in the next days.

The information has been to charge of the skilled journalist in subjects of market, Fabrizio Romano, through his account in the social network Twitter: "The As it has arrived to a full verbal agreement with Cesc Fábregas. The team of the second Italian division now is smart to complete the deal with an agreement of two years. Fábregas, had foreseen to fly to Italy in August to subject to medical proofs and sign until June of 2024".

From 'Sky Sports' also had advanced that the team in question was the Like Calcium, that will contest the next edition of the Series B. Finally, the one of Arenys of Sea has finished decanting by the proposal of the team lombardo, one of the few that had on the table after abandoning the Principality once that his agreement finished remaining without effect.

The "no" of Cesc to The Palms

Besides, the injuries suffered during the past course brought him some problems that could have influenced in the decision of some clubs of not to take him in account. One of the options would have been the UD ThePalms , a situation that had to be cleared by the president of the club, Miguel Ángel Ramírez, that saw the negotiations very very directed.

Nevertheless, this possibility was descartada by the player in front of a better economic offer by part of the Eat: "it Was all very advanced and displaced me to Barcelona for a meeting with the player. He had it very clear, there was not better sportive offer that ours. Only we had a hándicap, a team of Italy, that economically bent our offer. And it offered him a guarantee to follow tied to the professional project of the club after leaving the football. Always I have been frank, our real possibilities with regard to the another team were few. It has been a very good experience because a champion of the world has showed to be professional and of word".