Andreas Christensen, during the Borussia M'Gladbach-FC Barcelona


Christensen, the "central" stranger that can fichar the Barça

Published:9/10/2016 - 14:32h

Updated:9/10/2016 - 14:32h

The FC Barcelona would have in the diary to a central youngster the Borussia M'Gladbach that is yielded by Chelsea and, to his 20 years, is experiencing a big progression this season. It played in front of the Barça in Champions

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The British press, and in concrete "The Sun", have desvelado that the FC Barcelona walks after the track of a central youngster of 20 years that is yielded by Chelsea to the Borussia Mönchengladbach, Andreas Christensen, and that in fact already confronted against the culés in the last day of the phase of groups of the UEFA Champions League, signing a big performance.

The English newspaper, besides, ensures that the FC Barcelona would be had to pay at all more and at all less than 20 million pounds by the services of the footballer of face to the next season, reinforcing like this the saga suceda what suceda finally with Mascherano and Mathieu, those who for the moment do not have ensured the continuity.

Christensen landed in Chelsea to the 16 pertinent years of the Brondby, and in these two last campaigns has been militando like yielded in the group germano, curtiéndose like footballer of elite in the Bundesliga. Antonio Conte prefers in Chelsea to head offices more veteran like Bonucci, by what no descarta that the "blues" are had to give off of the young head office.

The technical office of the FC Barcelona, with Robert Fernández in command, follows him from does years and has his marked name in red in the diary of signings because of his good performances and his big youth.

Christensen is a central powerful physically (measures 1,88 metres and weighs 68 kilos), but characterises by his rapidity. Besides, it goes very well by high and has very good game of feet, as it is the attendant to take out the balloon from backwards of the defence. His characteristic serve him even to play of half defensive centre, where has become ranged by his trainer André Schubert.