The FC Barcelona has lost to another potential player crashes that it was in his radar. Yesterday it knew that Gabriel Moscardo has everything practically closed to join to the Paris Saint Germain. Now, another team with a lot of economic potential, the Manchester City, seems to be about to carry to the youngster 'perla' Argentinian of 17 years, Claudio 'Diablito' Echeverri.

This agreement has been reported by media of renown as 'The Guardian' of England and the 'Daily Olé'. It says that the transaction has closed in around 25 million euros, and that the 'citizens' plan to apply a similar strategy to which used in his moment with the leading Julián Álvarez. This played would consist in leaving to the player yielded in River Plate at least until 2024, perhaps 2025, with the aim that it finish of foguearse.

Several means also indicate that the negotiation is in his final phase, with both clubs exchanging documentation and closing the last details of the agreement. From Argentina comments that Echeverri would sign an agreement by six seasons with the square mancuniana, and that this agreement oficializaría during this week.

Another 'perla' that escapes him to the FC Barcelona

The Argentinian, the one who recently had announced recently that it would not renew with River Plate, after his stood out performance in the Glass of the World Sub-17, turned into one of the big available talents in the market. In spite of the big interest of the club of the City Condal, the operation presented like complex because of financial subjects and to the interest of other clubs with a greater purchasing power. Finally, the interest of the Barcelona cast would have diminished and, after this information, seems that any option to see to the 'Diablito' like culé has dispelled , at least, for the moment.