Clear message from FC Barcelona about the arrival of Eric García
Published:15/09/2020 - 17:23h
Updated:15/09/2020 - 23:39h
Eric García is one of the possible signings for the defence of the FC Barcelona and from the club have very clear his posura in this regard of his signing
Ramon Plans, technical secretary of the FC Barcelona after the goodbye of Éric Abidal, was quite clear when treating the subjects of future on which asked him during the act of presentation of Miralem Pjanic with the team culé. In addition to the exit of Luis Suárez and the signing of his substitute in the position of leading centre, the Barcelona technical secretary also spoke about reinforcing another line: the defence.
In concrete, Ramon Plans was asked after another proper name like possible signing and was not another that the one of Eric García, head office of 19 years that formed in the Masia and that finishes agreement with the Manchester City the next month of June, by what supposes a big opportunity of market. The technical secretary culé was clear ensuring that the Catalan fulfils the profile but that is not the only option that contemplates .
"Eric García fulfils the profile that looks for the FC Barcelona"
Eric Garcia likes because it knows the house, but the club also stirs other alternatives of future. "The work of the technical office comes of long backwards. We is true that are with the idea to look for a player that help us in the defensive zone. Eric García is a good player, is of the house, but is one of so many that are seeing but that already will see if we can incorporate", commented.
Ramon Plans wanted to be respectful by the fact to be speaking of a footballer of another team, but recognised openly that fulfils the profile that looks for . "It would remain me with the idea that it is a difficult market and the very clear idea to do a young team, with illusion, with players that so much have given us and look for a staff for the future with quality and that can give us a lot in the future and Eric García fulfils this profile like others that have not gone out", sentenced.
The exits and his relation with the signings
The technical secretary of the FC Barcelona remembered that the pandemia is affecting to the desarrrollo normal of the market. "With regard to the exits, is obvious that are in a market with a lot of restriction, little movement, the clubs are affected by the pandemia. We are calm and conscious of what want, the aims that want, with a very clear aim of the profile of team and players that want and in this are", said.
Given the situation, Ramon Plans recognised that it will be necessary to be patients so much for the sales as for the signings. "The exits and entrances go tied but it is necessary to have patience, the players that have have a lot of level, are very respected in the market, each case is different and will evaluate it in function to his possibilities. It will be long and the but matter is to be calm and have the clear ideas", concluded.
On this, also commented the almost enclosed course of Arturo Vidal. "Arturo Vidal is true that is advancing in a negotiation for his possible exit and take advantage of publicly to thank for him these two years. It is an extraordinary boy, with a heart and an enormous delivery, has been very important in the group, with this energy that transmits, but is not enclosed", manifested.
Eric García, head office of present and future