Mikel Merino en el duelo entre la selección de España y Croacia en la Eurocopa 2024


Closer to FC Barcelona? Real Sociedad sees the renewal of Mikel Merino as increasingly difficult

Published:18/06/2024 - 17:12h

Updated:18/06/2024 - 17:12h

Mikel Merino could be within reach of FC Barcelona this summer, since the Pamplona player seems not to be in a position to renew his contract with Real Sociedad. Therefore, the Basque club could seek to sell him this summer at an affordable price that the culé team could take advantage of

Calendar of FC Barcelona

From the oficialización of Hansi Flick like trainer of the FC Barcelona, the name of Mikel Merino has won strength in the sportive planning culé like one of the possible candidates to reinforce the zone of mediocentros of the club. The native of Pamplona has positioned like an important alternative in case that it do not attain the incorporation of Joshua Kimmich of the Bayern Munich, the one who seems to be the priority of the club in this demarcation.

In this point, there are two factors that could attract to the Barcelona cast to consider the incorporation of Mikel Merino. The first is his sportive performance, which is not subject to debate, since the international Spanish has showed to be a midfield player of first level, with a tactical intelligence and conditions 'top'.

The second factor relates with the circumstances of a possible negotiation by Merino. His agreement with the Real Sociedad expires on 30 June 2025, and his renewal with the combined 'Txuri-urdin' seems increasingly unlikely. In fact, the journalist Mikel Recalde of the half 'News of Gipuzkoa' sustains that the Basques have lost the hopes to attain the contractual prolongation of the mediocentro, arguing that they are not in position to fulfil with his economic demands.

The Real Sociedad no descarta accept an offer by Merino this summer

Given these circumstances, would not be surprising that the 'blanquiazules', even during this market of summer, open the doors to a possible sale of Merino. Likewise, according to the source mentioned previously, from Donostia also would be considering not to limit to the clause of rescission of 65 M€ established in his agreement, if no rather would look for to negotiate a price of transfer more accessible, conscious that his power of requirement diminishes to measure that approaches the term of the agreement of the player. Therefore, it is likely that pose a traspaso to the drop not to lose it without that it fall some euro in his arks.

In this sense, as it informed 'SPORT', when negotiating by Mikel further of his clause liberatoria, could obtain by a mount that it oscillates between the 25 and 30 M€, which represents a figure 20 'kilos' inferior to his value of market according to 'Transfermarkt'. Under this condition, the transaction would be attractive for the FC Barcelona from the economic point of view.

Nevertheless, also it has to take into account the interest of the Athletic of Madrid by the player, by what no descarta a possible 'bidding' by him in the future. Likewise, it exists the option that the events take a drastic twist and Merino renew with the Real Sociedad, although this seems every time less likely, but no impossible.

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