Philippe Coutinho, celebrating a marked goal with the Liverpool


Coutinho Denies to leave the Liverpool of bad ways

Published:7/08/2017 - 16:51h

Updated:7/08/2017 - 18:06h

The Brazilian midfield player that dreams with fichar by the FC Barcelona, Philippe Coutinho, does not want to go out of bad ways of Anfield Road, and therefore it would have requested to the Barça that the conversation with the 'reds' was 'amicable' as it went it by Luis Suárez

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Philippe Coutinho is decided to fichar by the FC Barcelona of face to the next season, but does not want to abandon the Liverpool by the rear door and confronted to the fans 'network', with which so many good moments has shared along the last campaigns.

Little by little, the Brazilian midfield player has achieved to win the respect of all and erigirse like big leader of the Liverpool of Jürgen Klopp, the one who does not want to traspasarle but begins to assume that the battle will be lost if the FC Barcelona begins to go up his offers.

Everything seems to indicate that the signing of Coutinho by the Barça is question already of few days, but the indispensable condition of the footballer is that the negotiations are 'amicable' and that his course leave important profits so that the 'reds', when they create it convenient, can fichar to one or several spares of guarantees with the end to improve the staff.

The operation could close by value of 100 million euros, unless it include to some player that, like Rafinha and André Gomes, are able of abaratar the final cost and to do the cases course to the Premier League.

The Barça can not sleep in the laurels

The Barça knows that it still has time until the closing of the market of signings 2017 to improve ostensiblemente the staff, and in fact already has very very defined his aims. Dembélé And Coutinho are the priorities, but without forgetting to players like Paulinho, Seri, Dybala or Mbappé, those who arrived the case could turn into alternative of luxury for the Barça.

Going back to Coutinho, in any case, the will of the Brazilian is to sack of the fans 'network' with the same good tuning with which did it Luis Suárez, a good fellow with the one who precisely reencontrará in case of fichar by the FC Barcelona. Everything is question of time.