Pau Cubarsí has fallen of foot in the first team of the FC Barcelona. To his 17 years has showed that it is a central that can have a lot of route in the first team and already has colado in the list of 'indisputable' of Xavi Hernández. Sum five titularities been still in LaLiga (and 7 parties contested) since it debuted in the month of January. It aims to be one of the big talents exported of The Masia.

Against the Getafe was one of the best news for the Barça. It left an exhibition in exit of balloon and went a 'wall' in defence. Xavi Hernández recognised that Cubarsí "bumps, protects the balloon, do not surpass him, does not fail a pass and surpasses with his action and decision even the pass that you like trainer have in the head... And has a terrible personality... Therefore it plays. His irruption is portentosa".

The Barça does not concern by Pau Cubarsí

In the Barcelona group are very satisfied with his performance and know that have to a 'jewel' in his rows. Although it has committed errors in determinate stretches of parties, have been more the positive points and the feeling that, with patience, regularity and time, can turn into a fundamental piece for the team. Has 'alone' 17 years and already has 'seated' to Iñigo Martínez in the last days of LaLiga.

They are many the hopes deposited in Cubarsí of face to the future. In the Barça know that the player has like priority triumph dress of Barcelona and that by his mind is not the possibility to change of airs. From 'RAC1' have aimed that it already has received the first 'scores' of other teams, but there will be any movement to short neither average term. The footballer will not move of the City Condal.

The Barça, prepared for the 'avalanche' of clubs interested

It will not be a surprise that in summer the Catalan group receive offers by the central been born in Estanyol, as it happened the summer happened with Lamine Yamal and the interest of the Manchester City. If in the first team follow giving him the continuity that has registered in these first two months of the 2024, will not be missing the teams that interest in his incorporation. It seems complicated that the sportive direction leave him 'escape' with all what has showed up to now.