Blind, during a party with the Manchester United


Daley Blind Wins strength to be the defensive reinforcement of January

Published:18/12/2017 - 17:59h

Updated:18/12/2017 - 18:01h

If recently 'FCBN' announced to Daley Blind like a possible option to cover the gap left by Mascherano in January, now the name of the Dutch defender wins strength between the press to be the favourite to arrive in winter

Calendar of FC Barcelona

It is not any secret that the FC Barcelona needs fichar to a central defence in January for paliar the drop of Javier Mascherano, that will leave traspasado to the Superliga Chinese. In spite of that Yerry Mina keeps like one of the firmest options, the name of Daley Blind wins increasingly forces to be the elected.

'FCBN' Aimed the past Sunday to a possible interest of the FC Barcelona in the central of the Manchester United. However, the name of the Dutch player has won integers between several sectors of the national press to plant near of the 'pole position' of the defenders wished in the Camp Nou. 

Daley Blind Finish agreement with the Manchester United in June of 2018, by what a traspaso in January would be the last opportunity to avoid that it leave free. Something that abarataría the operation if finally the Barcelona technical office launched to by the defence in the market of signings of winter.

An interest that comes of far

It is not the first time that the FC Barcelona interests by Daley Blind. The Barcelona club already tried to approach postures with the defence to carry it does some seasons. However, the Dutch finish in the Manchester United with José Mourinho, that now hardly has he.

With Robert Fernández very pending of his situation, is clear that Blind is an alternative: it Is polyvalent, fast, with experience and a price no too high. The problem is that the Catalans are not the only that have discovered the bargain. The Inter of Milan, between many others that have asked, seems to be in the career by his signing, and if the Barça wants to remain it, will have to move fast in the negotiations