Dani Elm is one of the so many names that has been linked with the FC Barcelona of face to the next market of signings estival. It is a player that likes a lot to the sportive direction and has tanteado his incorporation for the season 2024/2025, although it renewed his agreement with the RB Leipzig does less than a year, until the summer of 2027.

With his renewal, the conjoint Teutonic included a clause of rescission of 60 million euros that has not happened careless for the 'big' of Europe. The Barcelona have valued his signing, but until they do not resolve the big problems that exist with the Fair Play financial, are not in conditions to converse or negotiate with any footballer... And they can finish losing all his opportunities.

The Bayern, slope of Dani Elm

And it is that, as we mentioned before, the Barça is not the only interested. As it has informed the skilled journalist in the market of signings, Fabrizio Romano, the Bayern of Munich would be evaluating the possible incorporation of the international with Spain for the next course. His name is in the list of possible traspasos.

The one who is slope of his incorporation is Max Eberl, sportive general director of the Bayern from beginnings of the month of March. Of agreement to this information, has put his name on the table of the staff of the picture muniqués like an alternative to improve the attack of the team with a price 'accessible'. He, precisely, knows him very well after his go through the RB Leipzig.

There will be 'battle' by Elm

It is worth it to remember that Max Eberl was in the dispatches of the square Teutonic between December of 2022 and September of 2023 exerting like sportive director, although it was destituido by 'lacking' of commitment with the club. It remained him the knowledge of the player formed in The Masia, to the that also pretends fichar the Barça and clubs of the Premier League that have showed interest.