Dani Alves, celebrating a goal scored with Sao Paulo


Alves says that Barça wanted to sign him and he refused it

Published:13/09/2019 - 01:10h

Updated:13/09/2019 - 01:10h

Dani Alves has surprised with his interview, in which he ensures that FC Barcelona and Juventus tried to sign him this last summer. He decanted for the Sao Paulo

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Surprising words those that has desvelado Dani Alves in the last hours, during an interview conceded to 'Player's Tribune'. The Brazilian side ensures, to his 36 years, that FC Barcelona and Juventus of Turín were interested in ficharle this past summer, but that he refused both offers because they did not offer him a stable agreement until the year 2022, when has foreseen to play the World-wide of Qatar 2022 with the 'canarinha'.

From here that it left Paris Saint-Germain, with the letter of freedom, to sign by three seasons with the Sao Paulo of his country, as it has revealed in 'Players' Tribune'. Alves Already played in the FC Barcelona between 2008 and 2016, and was 'bianconero' during the season 2016-17. In both places triumphed and achieved titles, but from now has very clear which is his big aim: the World-wide of 2022.

"Had the opportunity to go back to the Juventus. Also I had the opportunity to go back to the Barça, but only the Sao Paulo, the team of my dreams, believed in me and gave me stability until 2022", explains in the quoted publication of 'Player's Tribune'. "The majority of the clubs did not offer me this, because they did not believe in me. Because they think that have a date of caducity. What wanted to, the key point for me, was to have the stability to struggle by the World-wide 2022. That was the starting point for my next challenge. And I have said it since I began my career: I am free. I decide when begin. I decide when finish".

"Also I had the opportunity to go back to the Barça, but only the Sao Paulo, the team of my dreams, believed in me"

Dani Alves Adds that meditó a lot the decision before taking it, as it comes doing always along his professional career. "I do not decide what do suddenly. I think: "What will give me this club? How it will do me this place a better person? How it will do me a better professional?", it ensures.

And it remembers that in the Glass America that conquered this summer with Brazil centred in doing it the best possible to win an opportunity: "When I joined me to the national team, said him to my agent: "I do not want to know at all on transfers. I am a free agent, but do not want to know at all. Why? Because it needed to exert me well in the Glass America. If it went me well, they would open a lot of doors. The people would see my quality, my dedication and my attainments". And it went him well, since it was one of the best players of the tournament.

"After this, my mentality was: I want to know which are my possibilities in this moment. And there were some. But, for example, any of them offered me what wanted to, except the team of my dreams", rememora the experienced Brazilian footballer. It will be necessary to see, in the next hours, if it appears some member of the FC Barcelona to confirm or deny the affirmations of Dani Alves.

The hypothetical signing of Alves would have been one 'bomb'

His hypothetical return to the Barça would not have left indifferent to anybody. Has a lot of 'fans' and defenders in the group culé, but also an important part of the barcelonismo thinks that, to his 36 years, no longer has the sufficient competitive level as to play in a team of world-wide size. Discrepancies there would have been safe, and now Alves has opened the box of the thunders.