Dani Olmo celebrando su gol ante Alemania


Dani Olmo reveals the key factor for him to decide to sign for FC Barcelona

Published:17/07/2024 - 16:14h

Updated:17/07/2024 - 17:06h

Dani Olmo has spoken about his future from his solidarity campus in Terrassa. Although he did not give too many details, the midfielder made clear one of the 'weight' factors in his final decision

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Dani Elm is one of the names of 'fashion' in the market of signings. The midfield player was one of the key players of the Spanish selection champion of the Eurocopa 2024, revolutionising the team after the drop of Pedri by injury. His big performance has not happened unobserved for the big clubs, between them the FC Barcelona, that will struggle by his contracting once has culminated his participation in the continental tournament.

In the meantime, the player enjoys of his holidays and has attended to the fifth edition of his campus solidario of football, which carries out in the Gresol International American School, situated in Terrassa, hometown of the footballer. Elm played with the boys and girls of the campus and answered to his questions, many of them directed on his possible incorporation to the team of Hansi Flick. "Already we will see", it limited to say Dani in this regard.

The midfield player no 'wetted' on his next destination, but if it left clear cual is one of the factors that will have more weight in his definite decision. "The people that carries these subjects already knows what want", commented, adding that "I what want to is to be in a place where value me and the fundamental for me is to win, am very ambitious".

Besides, it remembered that in his current club, RB Leipizg, already have celebrated several titles, but admitted to feel honoured when being linked with some of the best teams of the continent. "In the Leipzig also have won titles and the club knows the ambitious that I am. Always it is beautiful that relate you with big teams", manifested

It will expect to the Barça?

Finally, Elm was questioned on if it will expect to the Barça before defining his destination, but the mediocampista played to the 'distraction' ensuring that it has several alternatives, between which would be the Manchester City, the Bayern Munich and the Athletic of Madrid. "There are several options, the people that carries my subjects knows what want, as I have said. Now also it is moment to rest and be with the boys of my campus".

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