Dani Elm was one of the big managers so that Spain was in the semifinals of the Eurocopa, leaving on the way to the host selection of the tournament. The player of the RB Leipzig was this factor desequilibrante of the party regarding goals and assistances, annotating the 1-0 and planting a big centre for the 2-1 final, but in spite of this, still does not have too clear his future.

The canterano of the FC Barcelona seems to have clear that it wants to step more in his career and that his stage in the German group already has finished, especially for being in the 'radar' of big clubs, like the own Barcelona group, as well as the Bayern of Munich and the Manchester United. On this, on what will come, was consulted Elm in an interview with 'Sportive World', leaving clear that "I am centred in the Eurocopa, what have to happen afterwards or during already have to my people of confidence that occupies of this. I am centred in the semifinals", ensured.

Dani Elm has very clear which is his current situation

As it was to expect , Dani Elm left clear that right now is not a main subject in his head, although it knows very well that his clause of exit of 60 millions will be in force only until the next 15 July, a day after the big final of the Euro. "This knows it the people that has to know it and carries it the people that has to carry it. I am calm", reflexionó in this regard.

With regard to being in the diary of the Barça, Elm explained that "that have me in the list, this neither means a lot. That it have me to me, but also it can have to more players", signalled. "I in this sense try only play to football in the green, that is where I can show and where have to speak. And until other things that happen in subjects of club and other, of this I do not commission me", added the Spanish footballer.

Elm and Flick, two old known

Finally, the player of the Red spoke on the arrival of Hansi Flick to the group culé and remembered that "we coincide in the Bundesliga. When he trained in the Bayern, also in Germany, when it went in in the selection. Now in his new stage in the Barça, that go him very well", said. "I know it personally because we coincide it when they were in Leipzig, once concentrated, that I could not come with the selection. I wish him the best", resolved Elm.