The Real Madrid will lose to his captain in the 2024/25. As it was foreseen, Nacho Fernández will leave the 'White House' this summer 12 years after his debut in the first team to leave to the Saudi league. As it confirmed this Saturday the journalist Fabrizio Romano, the international Spanish fichará by the To the Qadsiah Arab that directs the also Spanish Míchel González, ex technician of the Getafe.

In principle, Nacho will sign by two seasons, at a rate of 10 million net euros to the year. The central of 34 years was key the past season for Carlo Ancelotti, being headline almost all the course because of the injuries of Éder Militao and David Praises. Although the 'merengues' offered him renew by a year more, the defender bet by the economic profitability and follows in its footsteps Karim Benzema, the one who followed suit does a year to the fichar by the To the Ittihad.

In total, the defender contested 364 official parties with the first team madridista, raising six Champions and adding 16 goals and 10 assistances in all the competitions. Also engrosan his list of winners five Leagues and a pair of Glasses of Rey, in addition to five Supercopas of Spain, five Supercopas European and equal quantity of World-wide of Clubs.

The Madrid would go to by Leny Yoro after the goodbye of Nacho

As it advances 'MARK', the goodbye of the captain 'merengue' will do that Florentino Pérez decide to go with everything to by the signing of Leny Yoro. The French of 18 years comes of a big season with the Lille and would arrive by a near figure to the 60 million euros. Paris Saint-Germain, Liverpool and Manchester United also are in the bidding by the Frenchman, but the footballer already would have manifested his wish to prioritise an offer of the Madrid.