Deco Souza Has been protagonist in the last hours by his trip to Port wine, by personal reasons, while the FC Barcelona is in negotiations with the picture of the 'dragõis' by the traspaso of Mika Faye. 'Jijantes' Revealed the imágines of the Barcelona sportive director in the airport of Carry and shot the rumours on the reasons of his visit, that could be directly related with the details of the agreement of the player of 19 years.

The same source suggested that they were negotiating the figures of the traspaso, that will be inferior to what, in a principle, had informed . Several means had aimed that it could rise until the 15 million euros, but up to now the Port wine is had to offer five 'kilos' more variable, including an option of repurchase and, also, a percentage of a future sale.

Deco Speaks on his trip to Port wine

However, in spite of the advance in the negotiations between clubs, Deco would not have travelled precisely to gather with the representatives of the team luso. In some statements, in the last hours, has confessed that it displaced until Port wine of way express by personal reasons: "That if I am in Port wine to negotiate by Mika Faye? No. Have a house in Port wine, have a family here, have children here...", it signalled.

Like this then , a priori, the executive of the Barça would not have foreseen a reunion with the representatives of the Port wine in the next hours. In spite of this, everything seems to indicate to that the agreement by Faye is more near to complete . The player has given the "himself, want to" to the Portuguese group, that offers him the opportunity to have an important paper in the first team from the 2024/2025. Already it has agreed the personal terms of his movement to the estádio do Dragãor and is expecting of the green light of the Barcelona to do his cases.