The FC Barcelona follows incursionando in the market of young talents. From it does time, the entity culé has showed interest in incorporating players from the African football, a formula that has resulted successful. In this opportunity, the Barcelona directive already is taking measured to try to arrive to an agreement with the Belgian head office Jorthy Mokio, the one who, with hardly 16 years, already has won a place in the first team of the Gent.

The rumour that the Barça would have initiated conversations with the surroundings of Mokio circulated in Belgium does some weeks. The native of Gante finishes his prompt agreement and could arrive like free agent. Precisely the past Saturday, carried out a meeting in the Estadi Johan Cruyff between the Barcelona sportive director, Deco, the familiar of the player and his representatives, Sam Carrillo and Paolo Schiavone, to evaluate his situation and negotiate a possible incorporation.

The 'plan' of the Barça with Jorthy Mokio

From the institution blaugrana have good reports on the defender and consider that it can be very valuable for the present and future of the club. The operation asemeja to the one of the Senegalese Mika Faye, the one who has had a stood out performance this season playing for the filial blaugrana under the direction of Rafa Márquez. However, the footballer has other proposals of important teams of Europe that they are upper to economic level.

Waiting for concretising his future in the weeks to come, the defender follows concentrated in his group. It was to title the past Saturday in the victory in front of the Standard of Lieja (1-4) and continues accumulating experience. In what it goes of the present course, already adds four meetings with the first team and is receiving praises by his good performance, especially considering his big youth.