The FC Barcelona will have a summer moved regarding the market of signings. The Barcelona will owe that begin to evaluate, from already, all his alternative if they want to do definitively with the services of Joãor Félix and Joãor Cancel, two players that have adapted very well to the dynamic culé and whose negotiations by contractual terms promise to be quite complex.

In this sense, Deco, sportive director of the Barça, was questioned on the future of the Portuguese in the club blaugrana and the state of his transactions in an interview to the Portuguese newspaper 'To Ball'. This, far to clear doubts, has generated several speculations in contrast with the clarity with that showed these operations in the past.

Deco No 'wetted' on the future of the 'cracks' Portuguese

The Barcelona sportive director did a called to the calm, standing out that it is not moment to speak of signings: "we Are very happy with the exert of the two. They give us a lot of quality to the staff. Now it is very soon to speak of his situations and already go to have time to take decisions", sustained the luso.

Finally, Deco also has suggested to avoid the rumours and speculations around this operation: "Now it is the moment in that the players have to be focused in the aims of the club and try win the maximum in all the competitions. All what speak in this moment is especular", concluded the exjugador culé.