Joan Laporta acto6


Joan Laporta's discreet message about FC Barcelona's interest in Nico Williams

Published:15/07/2024 - 17:18h

Updated:15/07/2024 - 17:19h

Joan Laporta has once again spoken in public about the possible signing of Nico Williams for FC Barcelona. However, on this occasion he did not want to make an extensive statement in this regard or give any clue about the status of this possible incorporation to the culé club

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Now that the Eurocopa and the Glass America have come to an end, the clubs can centre completely in reinforcing his staff in this market estival for the season 2024/25 and advance in the negotiations that have in course or that plan to initiate. In this sense, the FC Barcelona can focus in finding the necessary mechanisms to close the acquisition that seems to be more apremiante for this summer: the left extreme of the Athletic Club, Nico Williams.

In this sense, the president of the Barcelona entity, Joan Laporta, has gone back to do a brief statement on the interest of the Catalan cast in the forward pamplonés. However, the mandator has opted for being a bit more comedido in his statements in comparison with his more recent testimony, where aseveró in 'The matí of Catalonia Ràdio' the a lot of that liked him the '17' of the Spanish selection. Likewise, it added that "for the time being, the Barça can fichar to a player of the level of Nico Williams. It is the result of a work during years".

The respect of Joan Laporta by the Athletic Club

In this occasion, Laporta has been less conclusive in his pronouncement on this subject and has limited to say in statements to 'Què t'hi Jugues' of form escueta: "we respect a lot to the Athletic Club of Bilbao". These words pronounced them while it went up to his car to abandon the inmediaciones of the Ciutat of the Justícia, where had to appear in front of a judge like witness in a case of presumptive swindle aggravated in the missing Reus Deportiu.

These statements do not reveal the possible wishes of the FC Barcelona, that has been following very closely to Nico Williams, the one who had a Eurocopa really sensacional, being champion with the Spanish selection and leaving good registers with two goals and an assistance. It has been one of the main offensive arguments of 'The Red'. Nevertheless, if the Barcelonan group wants to fichar to the lower of the brothers Williams, has to pay a clause of rescission of 58 million euros to the Athletic Club and, of course, agree the contractual conditions with the extreme pamplonés, whose value of market goes in frank promotion.

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